Radio frequency test technology
Made in Germany
5G is currently establishing itself as the standard in the mobile communications sector. This telecommunications standard offers even better networking in a wide range of areas - in industry as well as in the daily life of individuals. To fully utilise the new generation of mobile communications, end devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets must be equipped accordingly. This means that the market for and production of devices with 5G capabilities is growing rapidly. The challenges posed by reliably testing these devices during the production process using test probes are increasing. INGUN offers with its worldwide available portfolio the suitable and efficient test solutions for these 5G hardware tests. The INGUN portfolio, available worldwide, offers the most suitable, efficient test solutions for these 5G hardware tests.

Global development partner for 5G
- Comprehensive portfolio for RF applications in radio frequency ranges
- Solutions for automotive, mobile communications, consumer electronics, infrastructure, and industry
- Well-established standard solutions for the frequency range up to 6 Ghz
- Customer-specific solutions for frequencies above 6 Ghz
- Global expertise and availability
- All products Made in Germany in accordance with the highest quality standards
High-precision contacting,
efficient testing
Radio frequency probes (HFS) from INGUN are characterised by:
- High-precision fit
- Outstanding performance at high data rates
- High signal quality even in the mmWave frequency spectrum
- Consistent, reliable contacting of devices under test
- Modularity and variety
- Compact, robust design
- Consistent performance over the entire service life