INGUN’s range contacts everything between the test point and the test system
As a leading company for electrical and electronic testing technology, we have a very large selection of test probes, test fixtures, and customising accessories. INGUN customers get all the products they need for their testing requirements between the test point and test system for every type of production, from batch testing to mass production.
Test probes as well as test fixtures and accessories are available in innumerable specialised versions and can be individually configured to provide the suitable comprehensive testing solution for every application. The extensive portfolio of INGUN products is supplemented by a large number of specialised components to ensure reliable, efficient contacting even in challenging applications.

Step by step to the optimum solution
Using the interactive online product finder you can find an overview of the available products from INGUN and select the desired test probes, test fixture kits, and assessories by selectively filtering, limiting and comparing results. Alternatively, you can have INGUN advise you on the product selection: we will check your requirements and find which tip style, type of fixture, and accessories are best suited for your application.
Testing made easy!
Sophisticated components for every test requirement.
Test fixtures: technological versatility and a comprehensive range of accessories
INGUN is also a leader when it comes to test fixture components: In addition to the various options for generating the contact stroke (manual, pneumatic, vacuum), there is also a large selection of accessories and customising kits for test fixture customisation. Get an overview from the following pages, contact us or use the INGUN product finder - it's worth it!
Test probes: Everything from ICT/FCT to radio frequency and ultra-compact
INGUN offers a portfolio of spring-loaded test probes and specialised tip styles with a total of over 20,000 standard versions. As if that were not enough - as a development partner we offer you the option to develop your own customised test probe. Immerse yourself in the world of INGUN products or contact us - there is almost nothing that cannot be realised.
Master every challenge with customising accessories
INGUN offers a comprehensive, versatile range of customising accessories which enable customers to upgrade and expand the function of their test fixtures according to their requirements. DUT-specific customisation is achieved using various components depending on the test requirements, based on the features of the electronic assembly. INGUN offers a very large selection of high-quality accessories for the customisation of test fixtures - suitable for every test requirement.

Quality assured as a matter of course: You can rely on INGUN
Testing technology would be of little value if it did not offer the highest quality, precision and reliability. Therefore, we make great efforts to ensure these characteristics for all INGUN products. In-house testing and the latest technologies ensure that only perfect INGUN products reach the customer.