Experienced professionals
Are you looking for a new challenge? We offer you a new home, where you can use your expertise as a passionate team player in an international and technology-driven company.
Seit 1971 sind wir ein unabhängiges und wirtschaftlich stabiles Familienunternehmen und bieten unseren Mitarbeitenden eine sichere Heimat. Wir fertigen unsere Produkte ausschließlich „Made in Germany“ am Firmenhauptsitz in Konstanz am Bodensee und halten daran auch in Zukunft fest. In einem stetig wachsenden Zukunftsmarkt haben wir uns als Nr. 1 in der Prüftechnik erfolgreich etabliert. Wir haben den Spagat zwischen Weltoffenheit und Bodenständigkeit stets geschafft und dabei nie unser oberstes Ziel als Arbeitgeber aus den Augen verloren, ein langfristig sicheres Wachstum für unser Unternehmen und unsere Mitarbeitenden.
Wir bieten eine Heimat für Menschen, die einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz suchen.
Wir bieten Mitarbeitenden eine Heimat. Ein Zuhause, in dem gegenseitige Wertschätzung, Vertrauen, Respekt und Toleranz gelebt werden. Wir sind stolz auf eine offene und transparente Unternehmenskultur. Bei uns bedeutet Führung Freiräume geben, Vielfalt und Kreativität fördern, so dass jeder Mitarbeitende seine Fähigkeiten optimal einsetzen kann, denn wir möchten, dass sie INGUN verantwortungsvoll und aktiv mitgestalten. Ehrlichkeit und Fairness prägen unser Miteinander, denn Menschlichkeit ist bei uns nicht Chefsache, sondern Teamarbeit.
Wir bieten eine Heimat für leidenschaftliche Teamplayer, die mit uns die Zukunft gestalten möchten.
Elektronik bestimmt den Fortschritt und überall da, wo Elektronik produziert wird, kommen unsere Produkte zum Einsatz. Wir verstehen uns als lösungsorientierter Partner für Unternehmen in allen Branchen für die Technologien der Zukunft. Stets anspruchsvollere Prüfungsanforderungen verlangen von uns die stetige Weiterentwicklung unserer Lösungen sowie innovative Ideen und die kontinuierliche Einführung neuer Produkte. Als Innovationsführer denken wir an Lösungen, die noch nicht existieren, und schlagen neue Wege ein, damit die Visionen von heute zur Realität von morgen werden.
Wir bieten eine Heimat für kreative Köpfe, die mit uns an den Themen von morgen arbeiten.
Wir bekennen uns mit großer Leidenschaft zur Verantwortung gegenüber unserer Zukunft, unseren Mitarbeitenden und der Gesellschaft. Die Leidenschaft für das was wir tun, hat uns zu dem gemacht was wir heute sind. Eine Heimat für über 400 engagierte Mitarbeitende weltweit, die mit Spaß und Neugierde Ideen verwirklichen und unsere Kunden und Partner jeden Tag aufs Neue begeistern.
Wir bieten eine Heimat für zuverlässige Mitarbeitende, die wie wir mit Herz und Verstand bei der Sache sind.
As a global player in the test equipment industry, well-known companies from all over the world and in all sectors trust in our quality products. With international agencies and our own subsidiaries on all continents, we offer our customers the highest quality and testing reliability worldwide. Cultural variety and a worldwide exchange of knowledge characterise our daily work. At our company, employees have the opportunity to work on future-oriented projects in transnational teams on an international level.
We offer a home for solution-oriented employees who understand and inspire our international customers.
It is the individual commitment of our employees that makes the success of our company possible in the first place. We know and appreciate this. That is why we offer our employees an attractive remuneration package with additional benefits that go beyond the statutory and collectively agreed requirements.
As a progressive company, we are always helping to shape the world of tomorrow. This only works with employees and managers who are optimally qualified. We provide the right development opportunities and support employees in achieving their professional goals, opening up new perspectives in their jobs.
The health of our employees is very important to us. We are aware that only those who are healthy and feel comfortable at work can perform at their best in their jobs. Based on this insight, we have established INhealth, a sustainable health management system, in our company.
We are a family business in every respect. It is important to us to offer our employees suitable options to combine their family life with their professional activities. We offer individualised working time models to suit employees’ personal lives. Our offer varies according to the area of responsibility.
As a Partner for Future Technology, we develop solutions and applications for various industries, from automotive to telecommunications and medical technology to aviation and aerospace. In this environment, we offer our employees exciting, varying tasks with individual design possibilities.
With our commitment to the Constance as the site of headquarters, we offer our employees a secure job in a place where others come to holiday. A crystal-clear lake on our doorstep and the dramatic backdrop provided by the Swiss mountains make Constance a place with unique recreational value.
Are you looking for a new challenge? We offer you a new home, where you can use your expertise as a passionate team player in an international and technology-driven company.
Are you still studying and would like to gain some initial practical experience? We offer you a home where you, as a student eager for knowledge, can successfully put your theoretical knowledge into practice.
As a student working part time, we offer you the opportunity to gain work experience alongside your studies and earn some extra money. We know how important your studies are and therefore offer you flexible options to combine theory and practice in the following areas: Production, Sales, Marketing, Industrial Engineering, and Research & Development.
As an intern, you have the opportunity to test your knowledge from your studies in practice. During your internship you will become familiar with the daily work routine, as well as being allowed to get directly involved and contribute your own ideas. We offer internships in the following areas: Production, Sales, Marketing, Industrial Engineering, and Research & Development.
Does a purely theoretical thesis sound boring to you? Exciting practical challenges await you at our company. Since not all topics are always advertised, you can send us a speculative application and we will decide together whether a suitable topic is available for you.
Do you have your own topic? Let us know.
As a leading innovator in test equipment technology, we offer exciting challenges and career opportunities to graduates and young professionals at the beginning of their career.
Were we able to arouse your interest and you see your professional future at INGUN?
If so, we are now looking forward to your application.We have compiled these hints and tips to help improve the quality of your application:
Are you nearly finished school and looking for a training position? We offer you a home where you can actively shape your future as a motivated entry level employee.
Were we able to arouse your interest and you see your professional future at INGUN? If so, we are now looking forward to your application.We have compiled these hints and tips to help improve the quality of your application:
Tips for your cover letter:
Tips for your CV:
If you have taken all these tips into consideration, you are a step closer to your career at INGUN. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to welcome you to INGUN soon.
INGUN employee survey 2018.