Para aumentar todavía más la cercanía con nuestros clientes y cultivar intensamente los contactos, estamos presentes en numerosas ferias a nivel internacional. ¡Nos dará mucho gusto recibirlo en uno de nuestros stands en la feria!
Además, le ofrecemos a intervalos regulares interesantes eventos para clientes y seminarios web sobre diferentes temas: conocimientos especializados exclusivos de nuestros expertos de INGUN. Lo invitamos cordialmente a participar.
Seminarios web a la carta de INGUN
De expertos para expertos: regístrese gratis. Se puede acceder a los seminarios web a la carta de INGUN en cualquier momento.
IMS International Microwave Symposium
PSECE - Philippine Semiconductor and Electronics Convention and Exhibition
Seminarios web a la carta de INGUN
Conocimientos de expertos prácticamente preparados, de forma gratuita y disponibles en cualquier momento.
Sugerencia: Suscríbase a nuestro boletín de noticias y entérese de los temas que se aplicarán próximamente.
Now available as an on-demand webinar:
Industrial Ethernet - Advanced test components for IIoT applications
In this webinar, you will learn how to master the challenges of testing industrially networked devices. Your INGUN experts will also tell you about the real differences between RJ45 and ix industrial connectors.
⌚ 60 min. 🙂 English
5G to 6G: Next-generation RF test technology
How to simplify your test approach when using mixed-signal board-to-board (B2B) connectors.
⌚ 60 min. 🙂 English
Electrified! - Ideal high current testing with INGUN
How to meet the challenges of future high-current classes for PCBs and plug connectors in the e-mobility sector.
⌚ 60 min. 🙂 English
Reliable test solutions for every test point imaginable - The fundamentals of test probe selection
In this webinar, you will learn how to overcome these challenges, select the appropriate test solutions, and install them correctly to ensure reliable contact to the test point.
⌚ 50 min. 🙂 English
Automotive 5G: Experience the board net data highway without speed limits
How to successfully overcome the test challenges of modern and future 5G automotive applications.
⌚ 55 min. 🙂 English
Test fixture kits and accessories - solutions for global requirements
Join this on-demand webinar to learn how to tackle the issue of minimizing the cost of testing.
⌚ 50 min. 🙂 English
5G and IoT - The future is now
Join this on-demand webinar to learn how to tackle 5G and IoT testing challenges. Gain a deeper understanding of current and upcoming test requirements for reliable transmission of radio frequency signals and large data volumes.
⌚ 55 min. 🙂 English