INGUN’s manual radio frequency (RF) test fixtures are designed as interchangeable kit systems. Exchangeable kits with RF sheilding ATS MAxx/HF are combined with basic units from the manual test fixture MA 21xx or MA 32xx series.
Radio frequency exchangeable kits ATS MAxx/HF are suitable for the precise, reliable contacting of highly sensitive RF assemblies and for interference-free measurement of high frequency signals. Depending on the basic unit used - from either the MA 21xx or MA 32xx series, RF assemblies with medium or high quantities (series or mass testing) and a large number of versions can be tested.
RF exchangeable kits of the ATS MAxx/HF series have the following performance features:
- Outstanding screening attenuation in the frequency range up to 6 GHz
- Interference-proof measurement of high frequency signals
- Available with or without internal interface
- Can be installed quickly without tools or readjustment
- Radio frequency and RF-compliant shielding against external interference signals
- Protection of operating personnel from high frequency fields radiating from within the fixture
- Standardised contacting with geometrically aligned radio frequency test probes for as low-reflection a transmission as possible
- Numerous EMC-compatible RF transfers for connecting the RF module to the measuring system
- RF absorber for different frequencies to establish an internal radio network
Shielding to protect operating personnel and DUTs
The high-precision RF chambers (copper covers) provide outstanding screening attenuation in the frequency range up to 6 GHz. Therefore, they ensure not only RF-compatible shielding of the highly sensitive RF assemblies against signal interference from the outside, but also the protection of operating personnel against RF fields emitted from the inside the fixture.
Various EMC-compatible RF connectors, for mounting on the RF interface to transfer signals to and from the schielded area, are available to connect the RF board to the measuring system. Absorber mats (HF-A) for various frequencies are available to create an internal high network.