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Heart made of gold INGUN test probes on a grey background

Thinking beyond technology
INGUN lives corporate social responsibility

As a sustainable economically and socially responsible company, INGUN is closely connected to the city of Constance and the Lake Constance region. We are not only a valued and respected employer, but also show commitment - in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) - in local social, sporting, and artistic fields.

Together with partners, we support initiatives and events or take an active part in them ourselves. We are also open to projects and commitments worldwide that go beyond business and technology - and we want to contribute to an open culture and society within the scope of our possibilities.



  • Donation handover to the Radio 7 Drachenkinder
  • Close partnership with both universities in Constance (University of Konstanz and University of Applied Sciences). This includes joint research projects, scholarships, sponsorship of the Emma Herwegh Prize, managers with teaching assignments, and guest lectures on various topics.
  • Regular participation in local charity event (Malteser Social Day)
  • Sponsorship of local sports clubs
  • Sponsorship of the HSG Konstanz second division handball team
  • Exclusive partner of the swimming club Sparta Konstanz e.V.
  • Donation of 10,000 protective masks during the Corona pandemic to doctors in private practices in Constance
  • Organisation of the INGUN BodenseeCup golf event